Friday, October 7, 2011

iCloud and Siri Implications for Mobile Devices

The new iPhone 4S has some interesting features. Once again the folk's at Apple have delivered a solid product that makes competitors react. But devices aren't the only thing that are possibly in the works. After MMM performed a quick review of the features some of the highlights are as follows:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mobile Device Marketing: A Multi-Channel Marketing Component

Sample message only,
not for actual use.
Mobile devices have evolved dramatically since their inception. The way we use these phones or tablets has transformed how we communicate and engage with one another. Clothing has even changed to integrate the use of technology. 

Right now you can buy a Hoodie that features built in draw-string headphones for devices like an iTouch, Smartphone (iPhone or Android) or the basic mp3 player. The most significant way the mobile market is changing our world though is by increasing the ease of how we communicate.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's Better than a $1.23 Billion Marketing Spend, a $1.8 Billion Spend

Mobile marketing spend is continuing to grow and is expected to jump to $1.23 billion by the end of the year, 2011. That puts the current spend above last year's projections of $1.1 billion. Sounds like another projection of a projection which can only be expected. But, there are many indicators that could facilitate the authors estimate, that the most recent estimation is valid. The good news continues as the next prediction points to $1.8 billion spend by the end of 2012.